Feb 21, 2009

Bowling Point (2007 /2008 /2009)


Committee sports club 2008/2009

hahaha gaya bebas ... dah macam tenuk terbang pun aku tengok masing-masing hehehe

BM family 2008/2009


My housemate till now

Ex- housemate huhuhuu

Saje tayang tag hehehe

BM family 2007/2008

hehehe during 3 years, from 2nd place to 7th place and 8th place... hahhaha change is good. cermin mata aku pun tukar tiap tahun huhuhu

Feb 12, 2009

Just Thinking: Look at this bottle...

What do you think??? yes its nothing for us to relate with the title subject. But last night I wake up and got this image in my mind (but not the exact image). I ask myself how to measure satisfaction? is it same with others. Maybe Mr.A will satisfied with 3/4 filled, Ms.B with 1/2 filled or Ms.C only satisfied until spills out. Who knows? The conclusions is if the spillage occurs just take a mop and kasi kering itu lantai.... hehehehe

For me the principle behind it is keep filling until reached your own level of satisfaction...not others not Mr.A, Ms. B or Ms C

Feb 7, 2009

Clumsiness Day (sometimes i'm too clumsy)


Manggo jatuh parit. so pe lagi act to be hero ah... terus je terjun parit dah dapat naikan manggo aku yang tak boleh naik.... hehehe 10 minit ah nak naik semula.. dah dapat naik selipar lak tercicir dlm parit.. erghhhh turun lagi hmm tengok2 selipar dah putus...tak psl2 mandi 2 x pagi ni...


Cermin mate lesap x tau mane....cari punyer cari dlm plastik sampah!!!!!


Start engine kete terus jln satu taman tgk aku semacam... ape prob diorang??? tertengok2. aiyo!!!!! sekali wiper kete aku terangkat bukan itu saja dengan 2 helai stokin aku tergantung!!!!! macamna aku lupa aku sidai stokin kat wipern then mcmna aku tak sedar mase kuar umah erghhh aku bwk kete pndg depan ke belakang?? berenti jap kat tepi jln nk kutip stokin huhuhu. Bila nak parking aku pun nk angkat ah hand break sekali upenya aku jln x turun hand break itu psl ah satu taman tengok aku. Keter aku mengaum !!!!


Pegi Giant nak bayar dah ni. sekali mamat depan de prob. aku. dah kuarkan duit nak bayar.. sekali akak cashier surh pi kaunter len. Aku pun tak tau tapi yang aku tau duit aku pegang dah jatuh n lesap.. RM50 pulak lak tu!!!!

Feb 2, 2009

Whatever lalallalala

It feels like the whole world is playing dodge ball, and I want no part of it. My mantra for today?


Remember, every day can't be great. Please Halijah Taib don't get angry over things that you can't control. ergghhh even photostat machine don't wnt to cooperate ergghhhhh RICOH betul!!!!..