Dec 31, 2008

GoodBye 2008! Welcome 2009!

Too many memories to be remembered. So I decide to stop yesterday’s History from becoming Tomorrow's Mystery by being grateful.

Hope that 2009 will bring more happiness.

Let’s rumble for 2009. Agogo.....vrommmmmmm

Dec 28, 2008

Happy Engagement to My Beloved Sister (27/12/2008)
A life with loves will have some thorn
But a life without loves will have no roses

Melon & Manggo looks so happy ......


Always alert their surrounding (melon & manggo)

looking for grasshopper melon? u should share it with manggo

Wasssup boys??

oops wanna fight?

where ar u going?

lets get coconut!! i'm thirsty

never think that climbing is hard
Already give up boys!!

I guess no. coz they will come out with another plan hehehe baik punyer

Love this picture so much .... love my cats so much.....and lalso love coconut tree in front of my home hehehe

Dec 21, 2008

Aku tak tahu bila bermulanya aku kenal erti kehidupan. Kehidupan bagiku adalah sesi pengajaran. Tiga perkara yang kupelajari dari kehidupanku selama 25 tahun adalah Berusaha, tabah, dan bersyukur.

Dalam setiap perkara yang dilakukan perlu ada 3 sifat ini.


Jika kita berusaha tanpa ada sifat tabah kita akan cepat mengalah. Semua usaha kita akan menjadi sia-sia, dan lebih kronik lagi bila timbul rasa dengki dan cemburu akan kejayaan orang lain.


Jika kita berusaha dan sentiasa tabah tetapi tidak bersyukur kita akan sentiasa resah, bimbang dan rasa tidak sempurna. Kita akan sentiasa bimbang akan ketidakcukupan nikmat dunia dan bimbang akan kejayaan orang lain. Sememangnya kita hanya manusia yang sama sekali tidak sempurna dan semestinya sementara.

Dalam hidup yang hanya sementara jika ditimbunkan dengan rasa-rasa yang merosakkan hati seperti cepat mengalah, dengki, cemburu, sesal, bimbang, resah, tamak, bangga diri.Satu pertanyaan akan timbul: Berbaloikah kita hidup???

"Pikir-pikirkanlah dan selamat beramal"


Sign 1

When you are truly in love with someone, you know it. You feel as if that person completes you and feel empty without that person.

Sign 2

You would do anything for that person, even give your life for them. You want to make them happy, not in a way that is co-dependant, but because that person's happiness makes you happy.

Sign 3

True love can come at first sight. That glance that penetrates through you to your soul and connects you to that person. A gaze that whenever you are near this person you feel as if you are the only two people in the room.

Sign 4

True love is when you are together and you don't know where you begin and the person you are with ends. It is not a dependancy on another to survive.

Sign 5

It is feeling complete or whole with that person. Think of it as building from one another, and what one lacks the other has.

Sign 6

True love is a lifelong friendship, and companionship from your soul mate. It is a connection that cannot be broken.

Sign 7

Willingness to forgive and forget and to accept without change.

All of these signs will lead you to encourage each other and to share dreams, to cry with each other and be scared together. It's a willingness to go through life's painful chaos on a daily basis. It's the calmness you get from your loved one's smile and it's being there through it all, even when you don't feel like it, you dig in and work through it. You fight for what you love. It is the greatest sacrifice that brings the sweetest joy, and that can be the most painful, lifelong experience you may ever have