Jul 4, 2012

Hiking G.Ledang (Adventure Begins...)

Firman Allah s.w.t: "Wahai golongan jin dan manusia! jika kamu sanggup menembusi (melintasi) penjuru langit dan bumi maka tembusilah. Kamu tidak akan akan mampu menembusinya kecuali dengan kekuatan (dari Allah)" Surah Ar-Rahman (Ayat 33)

The Journey: 
4.30 - 7.30 a.m : Pick up by Laila and the geng (yana and fizah). Drove until seremban R&R and met Nadiah &husband ( Laila's geng @ UIA). Trip to Taman Hutan Ledang takes about 1 and 1/2 hour only. When we arrived @ tangkak, weather is not as what we are hoping. Its heavy rain for 1 hour. At first we thought the expedition might be cancelled due to the bad weather. From tangkak tol to sagil and to THL it just takes about 15-20minutes by car. 

yeahhh berkobar2 mase ni puncak yg nk ditawan tu ke-2 tertinggi coz yg plg tinggi tu puncak yg ade Telekom Tower

Office for registeration (open @ 8:00a.m)
8.00 -8.30a.m: Fortunately the rain stop, and we are ready to register our attendance @ THL office. Firstly, we need to list down all stuff that we will bring along during hiking. such as water container, head light batteries, spare attirement, candy and food etc. With all this procedure we can maintained our forest green and without rubbish. Then we have an introduction or "suai kenal" session with team mate. Overall we have 8 ladies and 8 guys, hmm fair enough. Then a short briefing with our guide cik syuhada  and en.xxx? but I called him En. Beto coz his face like a malay actor" Beto khusyairi" hehehe. After warming up and do stretching for about 5 minutes,  the journey pun bermula @ 8.30a.m.
                                    Bunga kemboja or mostly called as "bunga di kuburan"
Declaration form - MUST BE FILLED individually huhuhu
So this just beginning hehehehhe

8.30 - 10.30 a.m: Journey begin with "~ 700 tangga". This route called as " CP1: Laluan Tangga Mahligai" macam syahdukan heheh sure syahdu coz my knee dah start to throbbing hahaha. Then we arrived at CP2: Bukit Semput, route name itself already represent what I felt right now "SEMPUT"!! we rest for 5 minutes and back on trip to CP3: Sungai Tiga Segi. From CP2 to CP3, takes about 25 minutes. This is rock and tree root track, so we have to be careful with our steps. 1 of our team (male hiker's) is having troubled due to lack of stamina, therefore we had to slow down our pace and try to support him emotionally. At CP3 we rest a little bit longer (because this is the last CP that will have source of water), however i didn't refill my water supply. 

                                                                Still smile...

This tree's root looks like a hair (Weird No.1!)
                                                    Run away prisoner hahaha
Another team!
Girls power!

                                                      Found another (Weirdo No.2!)
The most easiness route we found but just for10 minutes walk only huhuhu

         The scary thing along the road "sarang tebuan jangan dijolok!" found > 5 (weirdo no.3!)

Weirdo No.4! "snake root" be careful

berry??? don't know? do not eat even its look delicious heheh
                                             Love this shoes its never failed me!!!!
10.30 - 12:00p.m: From CP3 (sungai Tiga segi) we skip CP4 (which is route to kolam gajah), by eliminating this route we take directly to CP 5 (Gua Kambing). The route is more challenging to the climbers, and 1 of the track called [KFC] short term to Killer For Climbers. Not Kentucky Fried chicken ye.kalo ada kan best huhuhuu..take a break for another 15 minutes. hmmm takde bau kambing pun? or hiker's ni yg bau hashem....

Injured " thigh cramping" must be hurt right?

                                     K.F.C short term for KILLERS FOR CLIMBERS

12:15 - 1:00p.m: KFC route is killing me, I thought but after several minutes, i'm getting used to this type track. A lot of big rock to be climbed therefore staircase and rope is the only options you have to climbed. Rope climbing is a good preparation for the next challenging "Batu Hampar". The biggest and most exciting challenge in this journey - BATU HAMPAR hehehe.. nearly got cramp in the middle of climbing fuhhh. There's no special skills required  but your arm and leg must be strong to pull your body upwards, otherwise u will stuck there and waiting for the rescue team a.k.a abg guide. After 5 minutes from Batu Hampar, the next destination is Taman Bonsai (CP6) *(breathtaking view!!!)

Yes! I climbed it and it is fun! (look to the camera)

                               The rewards once u on the top of Batu hampar (nice view)

Rasa cam kat jepung lak.......sejuk je

1.00 - 2.30p.m: Continue walking to the next destination Bukit Botak(CP7). From Bukit Botak to CP8 the hiking mode by rope or staircase between the rock. when I reached the top, u can see the biggest landscape at your right and left plus you can feel the fog around you. Here we have our lunch, unfortunately I leave my luncheon in Laila's car. So I just lunch with another chocolate bar arghhhhhhh i'm really hungry!!!!!!!!!!!

Firman Allah s.w.t " Sekiranya Al-Quran ini diturunkan kepada sebuah Gunung, pasti kamu akan melihatnya tunduk terpecah belah disebabkan takut Kepada Allah, Dan perumpamaan -perumpamaan  ini kami buat untuk manusia agar mereka berfikir" Surah Al-Hasyr (ayat 21)

Ya Allah aku telah melihat keindahan ciptaan-Mu, gunung yang terletak kukuh di atas muka bumi mu, kau berikanlah aku kekuatan iman sekukuh gunung  ciptaan -Mu, Dan kau berikanlah aku kesedaran akan kekuasaan mu seperti  Ketakutan  Gunung  ciptaan-Mu. Tiada yang lebih indah dan kekal Selain Dari-Mu..

Haaaa botak kat area ni

Yes.......................... look @ our happy face.......

peace, already planned for another hiking trip next destination.... Gunung Kinabalu AMIN.....

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